Sunday, September 4, 2011

Summer Jobs - Bread Delivery

The summer before I started my Ph.D. program at the University of California, my dad got me a job delivering Wonder Bread in the Bay Area.  Dad worked for Wonder Bread for his whole career and was able to pull some strings to get me this sweet job.  My particular job was to drive the vacation routes for all of the Salesmen in the Redwood City, CA depot.  The people who deliver the bread are called salesmen because they work with the grocery store managers to try to get as much Wonder Bread in the stores as possible.  During the summer, the salesmen schedule their vacations one after another.  My job was to learn all of the routes and then fill in while they were gone.  I would drive one route for two or three weeks and then switch to a new one while the next driver was on vacation.  I think I ended up doing about eight different routes.  Here is what a Wonder Bread delivery truck looks like:
The logo on the side says "Hostess Cake" because Wonder Bread also made Hostess Cake products, but I never delivered any Twinkies or cupcakes, only bread and buns.
Each morning began with loading the truck with the different types of bread that would be needed that day.  Then we would leave the depot and drive to the first grocery store on the route.  Once at the store, we loaded the right number of loaves onto a hand truck and rolled them into the bread aisle.  Depending on the day of the week, we would begin by taking any unsold bread from the shelves, and then replace this with new fresh bread.  A loaf of bread only stayed on the shelf for three days at most.  We wanted the bread to always be fresh.  On Fridays we would also deliver lots of hamburger and hotdog buns for the weekend.  After completing the delivery to the first store, we would then drive to the next store on the route and repeat the process.  This continued all day until all of the stores receive their new fresh bread.
Driving the vacation routes was a little challenging because I would just barely get to know a route well and then have to switch to a new one.  Because the salesmen were part of the Teamster's Union, I was able to get all of the benefits of the Teamsters including dental coverage for Kathy and I.  I remember we both had some expensive dental work done that summer.  The pay was also very good and we were able to save up for the coming school year.  It was also cool to drive one of those neat Wonder Bread trucks.  I am grateful to my dad for helping us get this job.  Though it was interesting and challenging, I wouldn't want to do this all the time for a living.

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